Mordred is coming…
The Rage of the Stage Players, now in our 23rd year, are proud to announce the August 2024 world premiere of “MOR DRED”, our dark, gritty, graphic novel-style multimedia superhero play, inspired by ARTHURIAN LEGEND!
If you enjoyed Rage’s twisted takes on “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland”, “The Wizard of Oz”, “Peter Pan”, and “Frankenstein”, just wait until you see what’s next!
In the thriving city of Castle Kennedy, protected by a superpowered hero called “Arcturus”, the citizens feel safe, and the future looks optimistic and secure—that is, until a mysterious, compelling young man with an intoxicating charm and a flair for words surfaces and begins to “enlighten” all with whom he speaks with his hedonistic gospel, shattering their perceptions and making them question everything with an insatiable “Why?”
“WHY do we have to follow THEIR laws? WHY do we have to live by some randomly established code of what THEY call ‘morals’? WHY can’t we kill our neighbor if we’re having a bad day? If the answer is, ‘society agreed to it’, what if they all suddenly didn’t? I didn’t conceive them. I didn’t agree to them. Did you? WHY? WHY? WHY?”
Inspiring a new, cultish following which regards decadent self-gratification above all other things, he turns his sights to the city’s hero, its beacon of all that’s good and righteous, with the goal of “enlightening” him as well by convincing him to abandon his self-imposed restraint and luxuriate in all his powers could provide—if only he’d let them. And as the “good” people slowly begin to reveal their “secret identities” to the world—the people who they truly are when unrestrained—a menacing threat portending worse things to come begins to appear around the city—two words…“MOR DRED”—as this entrancing young idol and his devoted acolyte Agravain weaken societal order and herald the arrival of a villain whose power is easily a match for Arcturus.
Cast (In order of Appearance)
Chrétien Troyes — Joseph Stammerjohn
Mayor Stone — Kevin Mahler
Officer Lance Dulac — Justin Havens
Arcturus/Arthur Pendragon — Cameron Webb
Mordred — Luke Frederick
Agravain — Anthony Babeaux
Dr. Ambrose Merlin — Bill Herring
Gwen Grant — Sophia Clegg
Morgan Cornwall/Morgan le Fay — Lindsay Glover
Geoffrey “The Mouth” Monmouth — Andrew Lasswell
Malory Thomas — Carrie L. Shoberg
The Rage of the Stage Players
The World Premiere of “MORD DRED”
A Dark Superhero Fantasy Stage Play Inspired by Arthurian Legend
August 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 15, and 16, 2024
Margaret Partee Performing Arts Center
523 Lincoln Avenue
Bellevue, PA 15202
Limited Seating!
Curtain – 8:00 PM
Tickets – $25.00 ($20.00 with Student ID)
For More Information:
Event Page: https://www.facebook.com/share/VfqhEbJaE52KPjJf/?mibextid=9l3rBW
Adult Content
“’Do what you can…if you can…while you can’—and those who can, will stand firmly and with confidence, without need of support. If they cannot…well, Darwin applies.” — Mordred
(“MOR DRED” logo by Ricky Romero. Graphic design by Joseph Stammerjohn.)